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Rise to the greatest heights of divine experience as you
connect to the higher frequencies of your heart!


Join us to engage with the pure love and light of your holy heart flame.

This is your liberator within you!

Join via Zoom, or

Live in the Temple of the Heart at Spiritual Renaissance Center in S. Portland, Maine  

Join AmaYa Ma and El’elia for three webinars at the Leo New Moon on 31 July,
on 8:8 the Lion’s Gate, 8 August,
and at the Aquarius Full Moon of 14 August

to activate and illuminate the higher frequencies through your heart!


Inside each one of us is a holy and sacred flame that can never be extinguished or tainted, dear heart. It rests in the base of our heart chakra and it is our pilot light, our homing beacon and lighthouse of light. When we build a true and authentic relationship with our heart flame, we are connected with our true home and the house of our divine, loving consciousness that cares for our soul and is fully and unequivocally devoted to us. All that we truly need is within us and it is this flame that serves us to receive all that our soul truly needs.


The solution to loneliness, which has been named as an epidemic of our current times, is our connection to our own heart flame, for through our open and immense heart, we are connected to everyone, and everyone is seen and felt as our close and dear friend.

What would your open big heart feel like and

how would you then experience life?

Within our heart is a memory bank of feelings. As human beings, if we fear our feelings we stay on the superficial level of our heart so we do not meet what may feel uncomfortable within us. We may avoid building a relationship with our heart which is our home and place of resource and is crucial to the wellbeing of our soul, mind, body and our heart’s expansion as a chalice of pure love and light.


In this 3 part series of webinars, you will be supported to negotiate your heart experiences with great love and compassion. You will come to understand that your heart flame is an immeasurable jewel within you that is truly your eternal companion and constant and ever present friend and your most precious resource that raises you into a higher frequency.


It is our heart flame that has the power to transform all issues or challenges. It is our heart flame that lifts us up whenever we may be down or hard on our self or feeling empty. When we learn to access the love within us that heals, unites and balances everything, we are able to take responsibility for every feeling that may rise up from inside us and no longer be under the control of our feelings or the feelings of others. When we learn to receive love from the Mother of our soul, the ocean of infinite love, we will always be able to access the love we need and be empowered along the way to meet all with our loving embrace, acceptance and experience the power of the oneness we feel when love flows through us.

It is the remembrance of the power we have to choose love, again and again through our free will choice, that will create our mastery of love and ability to raise in frequency. As our love grows, we are able to access the pure light, the truth of our heart and always be guided by the light to make the highest choices for our life. In this friendship we build with our heart flame, we come to learn that we are truly never alone. We are always held and connected to the ocean of infinite love and the wisdom and truth of our heart. This is how we raise our consciousness into the higher frequencies of our heart, layer by layer and day by day, beloved heart.

In this 3 part series, AmaYa and El’elia will guide and hold you within a space of pure love, with immense faith in you and your chosen path to:

  • Deepen your contact with your inner home, which places you in the company of your own soul, your loving Presence and all beings of light who love you beyond reason, so you know you are never alone.

  • Receive divine assistance, teachings, guided processes and journeys that support you to rely upon your heart flame and utilize this infinite resource of pure love and light on your path of self empowerment, soul sovereignty and deepening flow of love.

  • Develop a true and authentic relationship with your heart chakra as your source of love, liberation, truth, grace and oneness with all life.

  • Engage with your heart’s flame of love so you may raise your energy vibration and experience the natural state of your loving soul again if you find yourself dropping from your natural loving state.

  • Build your relationship with the Holy Mother of your soul and generate the exchange of love so you may know how loved you truly are.

  • Awaken and illuminate a unique and special gift of your Soul that has the potential to empower you and bless your life.

  • Open your Heart to receive the incoming Codes of Light from Sirius at the Lion’s Gate to bless and illuminate the frequency of your Heart.

Webinar Schedule

Wednesday 31 July   7 – 9.15 pm  EDT

7 – 8pm  Revealing the Jewel of Our Heart Chakra

with AmaYa, Holy Mother and the Enlightened Ones

Teaching on the nature and power of our heart chakra and the potential we have to raise in energy vibration by entering into this true source and operating system, which is the source of inspiration, happiness, profound presence of love, creativity, truth and brilliance for our life. Through the grace of the Holy Mother and the Enlightened Ones, our mind will be deeply assisted to soften and come to a place of stillness so we may contact our inner Source, which has always been in place within us. You will then be able to use the simple steps of this meditation as a practice whenever you wish to open to this authentic and sovereign place within you. It is your place of greatest empowerment for the experience of oneness and wholeness.

8 – 9pm  Leo New Moon: Illuminating the Light of Our Precious Heart

with El’elia, the Celestial Mothers and Sisterhoods of Light

In this sacred journey we will be guided into the Temple of our Heart and joined by the Celestial Mothers and Sisters of Light who will gently assist us to lift an old sorrow, sadness, grief or regret that has been laying in our sacred heart. With their loving support and compassion we will feel safe to let this old energy go with all of our love so that more of our beautiful heart-light can shine from deep within. As we are held in the loving embrace of these Ones and deeply seen, adored and cherished as the Divine Child that we are, more of our light and love will be freed to flow through the gateways and dimensions of our heart to illuminate and bless our precious body, mind and soul. From this we will learn how to return to our Heart Temple whenever we need this Love or wish to illuminate our light to shine.

Schedule - Event 1

Thursday August 8  10am 12:15pm EDT

10 – 11am  The Power and Grace of our Flame of Divine Love 

with AmaYa, Holy Mother and the Enlightened Ones

Love is the first law of life and in this teaching you will be offered an understanding of the nature of the infinite presence of pure love within you and how you may be blessed by its presence in your daily life experience. Love is a frequency and carries the power to balance all of our life experiences and sustain us on a daily basis. You will be guided though a practice of connection to your flame of love to engage with the frequencies of love, raise your energy vibration and discover how you may use this flame to sustain your happy heart experiences. You will also receive a prayer that assists with the activation and magnification of your flame of divine love.

11am – 12noon  Illuminating Our Hearts Through the Lion’s Gate

with El’elia, the Celestial Mothers and Sisterhoods of Light

On this sacred day of 8:8 the Lion’s Gate as the gateway of Sirius opens, we will be gently guided on a journey to open our heart to receive the incoming Codes of Light from Sirius to awaken, expand and illuminate the sacred flames of our heart and brow chakras. As we are joined by many Celestial Mothers, Emissaries, and Sisters of Light we will receive a divine message about a unique and special gift we carry within our heart that is ready to be awakened and illuminated on this sacred day. As this gift is blessed by these Ones and deeply acknowledged in our Heart we will be guided in a ceremony to activate our Divine Sovereign nature and receive a new robe of light that has the potential to bless and empower us in our lives.  

Event 2

Wednesday August 14   79:30pm EDT

7 – 8pm  Blessing from the Holy Mother, the mother of our soul

with AmaYa, Holy Mother and the Enlightened Ones

On this sacred full moon, we will be guided to enter the great source pool of love and bathe in its holy waters in the soft light of the moon. We will be gently guided to surrender to love’s infinite presence with us, through a sacred practice of exchanging love, and melt away any fear of love and of entering into communion with the mother of our soul. Lemurian mothers and priestesses of love will offer us the loving assistance to reclaim a layer of our soul’s innocent heart and open our greater receptivity to the Holy Mother’s presence always with us. This practice nourishes our relationship with the Holy Mother and empowers us to source love as one of our greatest resources and true needs in life.

8 – 9pm  Magnifying Our Sacred Gifts to Bless Our World with our Light

with El’elia, the Celestial Mothers and Sisterhoods of Light

At this beautiful Full Moon of Aquarius we will be lifted into a Holy Mother Temple and joined by many Celestial Mothers and Sisters of Light to receive an anointing of our sacred heart. As our hearts are anointed by crystalline waters and elixirs of love, the light frequency of our heart will raise and the sacred gift of our soul will be illumined and expanded a thousand fold, to bless not only our beautiful soul, but our lives, our families, our communities, the Mother Earth and All beings. In this sacred ceremony we will receive a clear vision and sacred practice to help us learn how to expand our Heart-Light and our special gift to bless and illuminate the world from the pure stream of Love of our Heart.

Completes with 30 minutes for sharing, integration and questions.

Event 3

Enquiries & Registration



Our hearts welcome you to join us via Zoom LiveStream from the comfort of your own sacred space or live in the Temple of the Heart at Spiritual Renaissance Center in S. Portland, Maine.


All sessions will be recorded and can be received again each time you wish to rest in your open and full heart.


The last 15 mins of each webinar is for sharing, questions and integration.

Sacred Exchange: $111 USD for the 3 week series
Payable via Venmo, personal check, or click below to purchase via PayPal.

To use Guest Checkout, click "Pay with a Card".

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Meet AmaYa & El'elia

AmaYa is a divine vessel for the wisdom, love and dispensations of the Holy Mother. She is a transmitter of the frequencies of love, which empower a soul to raise in energy vibration and experience their divine essence. She mentors souls through her embodiment of love, faith, compassion, higher truth and the wisdom of her Divine Presence.


She facilitates trainings, programs, events and retreats in service to the true freedom of our humanity and development of our heart chakra as an illumined portal of love. She is an international teacher and mentor of The Divine University.


AmaYa has co-facilitated two one year self mastery schools and trained students to read Akashic Records. She is preparing to teach a one year, self mastery school based on new teachings on the art and science of the heart.


Visit Amaya at the Sirius Library

Visit Amaya at the Self Mastery School

El’elia lovingly serves as a planetary priestess, spiritual mid-wife, counselor and voice for the Celestial Mothers and Sisters of Light. She shares ancient wisdom and blessings of love to anoint and inspire the heart, mind and soul, and to bring beings into sacred relationship with Mother Gaia, the Universe and All-Life.


El’elia guides souls to heal and transform their deepest soul wounds and past-life traumas, and to re-claim the ancient gifts of their Spirit so they can walk the true path of their heart. For over 22 years she has facilitated wise woman priestess circles and trainings empowering women in the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine.


She is as a mentor and teacher of the Divine University and co-director of the Spiritual Renaissance Center/Temple of the Heart. (aka: Deborah Knighton Tallarico)

Visit El'elia at the Sirius Library


Meet Amaya & El'elia
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