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Wings of Grace for our Path of Self Mastery


Blessings of Love, Truth & Wisdom

With AmaYa Ma & The Family of Light


Saturday 31 August, 9 - 5.30pm in Oakland, NJ or

via Zoom LiveStream


With our free will we navigate through life, and as conscious creators, we guide the use of our time, energy, the focus of our light and how deep we wish to journey into the truth of our holy heart.


This journey has no completion and no goal but to surrender and relax deeply into the unified field of great mystery, the oneness, the quantum field, and allow Great Spirit to enlighten the way. We cannot know how our journey will flow until we connect to our original inner navigation system and listen, and open to it as our divine guide.


This journey is frequently filled with remembrance and forgetfulness, joy and pain, inspiration and the mundane and the ups and downs of the duality consciousness we are raising beyond.

How do we navigate this duality busting journey

and no longer give our power away?

Firstly we must acknowledge, honour and accept that we are a quality soul, we have powers and we know how to use them. On this day we will offer keys for those who are wishing to deepen their path of least resistance and to ignite the grace and ease available to every child of light. It is the higher understanding that sets us free to move forward on this less travelled path that many more are now choosing and often, it’s simply the spiritual education lacking in our earth based systems that is our true need.


As a soul mother and guide who has received 20 years of Enlightened Master teachings via the Divine University, we are able to draw on all we have integrated and embodied, to bring the earthed wisdom to you. 


During this day you will be offered grounded understandings, tips and keys from our own journey of self mastery, abundant time for questions and answers and an abundance of love frequencies.

Event Program

Saturday 31 August   10 – 5.30 pm

9.30am  Welcome, setting our intention

Teaching - The power and qualities of your soul and your true role with activating  your greater self mastery. Divine assistance will be offered to your soul to stand in your place of power, right relationship and right role on your journey of self mastery.


11.00am  Teaching – The use and power of the flame of infinite love and your practical connection to love frequencies as the foundation for your life and for your path of self mastery and evolution. How do we truly and sincerely engage with the frequencies of love? How do we live in right relationship with the flame, field and law of love and why should we initiate this to be of great importance for our soul? Divine assistance will be offered for our greater contact with the frequencies of love.


12.00pm  Teaching – The power of your free will and 3 primary keys to free your free will to be in alignment to the divine will of your soul’s heart flame. Divine assistance will be offered towards this divine alignment.


1pm  Lunch


2.00 pm  Teaching – The connection between service and the path of self mastery and release of one’s consciousness from the karmic plane of the earth.


3pm  Teaching – The Beloved Presence of our soul and the path of opening to our Higher Self and the power of Presence to release from the control of the mind and deepen and embody our path of self mastery.


4pm  Q & A session and blessing of Holy Mother’s grace upon our path of self mastery and embodiment of our higher consciousness.

Enquiries & Registration





Registration is essential

6 Elm Street

Oakland NJ 07436

LiveStream: the session will also be available via LiveStream on Zoom for those who are not local.

Sacred Exchange: $150 USD

Payment Options: Cash or via PayPal button below.

To use Guest Checkout, click "Pay with a Card".


What to bring: Bottled water, lunch, extra cushions for comfort, pen and paper, your beautiful self, optional cleansed crystal for the altar

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Meet AmaYa

AmaYa is a divine vessel for the wisdom, love and dispensations of the Holy Mother. She is a transmitter of the frequencies of love, which empower a soul to raise in energy vibration and experience their divine essence. She mentors souls through her embodiment of love, faith, compassion, higher truth and the wisdom of her Divine Presence.


She facilitates trainings, programs, events and retreats in service to the true freedom of our humanity and development of our heart chakra as an illumined portal of love. She is an international teacher and mentor of The Divine University.

AmaYa has co-facilitated two one year self mastery schools and trained students to read Akashic Records. She is preparing to teach a one year, self mastery school based on new teachings on the art and science of the heart.


Visit Amaya at the Sirius Library

Visit Amaya at the Self Mastery School

© 2021 Amaya Ma

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