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New Moon Women's Ceremony

Circle of Sanctuary, Sisterhood & Empowerment

Thursday 29 August  7 - 9 pm

Body Positive Works, NJ 

We, the feminine, walk with the power of the moon

We know her as our mystical mama and potent guide,

One with the cycles of life, birth, and the truth of impermanence and the space of no time

She inspires us to know that as women, we hold the entire universe in our body

We are the carriers of the power of creation, birthers of new life and we expand in oneness with spirit to receive direct inspiration.

When we allow the softness of the light of the moon mother to show us the way, we receive all we need to nourish and nurture our seeds of creation, impregnated by Spirit through deep collaboration, into exquisite form.


We are women of pure love.


The new moon sliver in our night sky is magical and light, tickling our feminine senses with natural joy and delight. It is the time for spirit contact, the source of our power and vision, to inspire our masculine into action. It is time for birthing the new, seeing, sensing, dreaming up into our physical reality, what we intend to seed, create and manifest here through the power of expansion carried by the increasing light of the moon.


Each day from the crescent sliver, our moon mother grows until she reaches her fullness of potential again, and as we grow in light with her, we manifest in collaboration with our inner masculine from the seed of inspiration we have brought to him through our union.  


It is clear spirit vision, the source of all inspiration that is our feminine power through which we set the new cycle in motion. As we do this, we are co-joined by our masculine to unite with his power of laser like focus and clear understanding of each step we my need to take through the journey of manifestation and full fruition of our vision.

Over this evening we will journey together into the deep space of infinite potential, to gather, purify, nullify and melt and dissolve, old threads of creation so we may rise together into the expansiveness of our oneness with great spirit. Here we will come face to face with our visions as moon sisters with hearts wide open, held by our power of collaboration together. And in our sister circle of light, we will empower our new visions to be nurtured by the waters of the spirit of love, life and the moon mother.


Through the grace of coming together we are raised by the collective power of our group heart and love to reach deep and expand simultaneously, and let no obstacles stop us for we are warrior women of the heart, and love is our power and solution for uniting with all we may meet.


We will be smudged and anointed as we enter into our ceremonial space of co-creation together, to open to the joy and potency of the new moon and its gifts for assisting any new direction or project to flower and flourish and be well watered and nourished. 

We will hold the sacred intention together to:

  • Open and ignite our heart and circle of sister light and wrap the world in our love

  • Recognise, honour and proclaim that as the feminine, we are birthers, mothers of creation, fertile givers of life and that our womb is sacred and holy space

  • Enter the dark, love saturated space of the womb of the Mother to gather and reclaim our light and creation energy from conception to birth, and from birth to this now moment to prepare for new creations

  • Light the new light of love, creation and power as the feminine dreamer, alchemist and lover of life for this next moon cycle

  • Open to fulfill our true needs so we may manifest our new projects, new collaborations with spirit

  • Enter into ceremony with the moon as our ally to illuminate our fertile seeds of creation, in collaboration with the crescent moon light so they they manifest and come into full fruition over the next moon cycle

Enquiries & Registration

Body Positive Works


Registration is essential


Body Positive Works

96E Allendale Rd

Saddle River NJ

Cost $40

$70 for both Full Moon (15 August) & New Moon Women's Ceremonies

Please bring a Tea light holder, a pen, bottled water, your beautiful self, clothed in your creative goddess empowered garments if this is your heart wish.

© 2021 Amaya Ma

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