Holy Mother's Grace For Initiating Our Feminine Light
To build the Embodiment of Love through your chakras
To access your Higher Awareness, an empowerment of the feminine
Connection, Mergence with Holy Mother
To open Doorways of Receptivity, which open the flow of abundance
To Source Love from The Field and from within, so we may be self sufficient in our need for love
To build our power to be self responsible and Balance our Internal Energy with Love
To Soften through the increased embodiment of our Feminine Light
To empower our use of Universal Law
To access Divine Inspiration, a gift of our feminine
To build Right Relationship with the Spirit of Love and the Mother within all
To increase our Presence in the Physical body
25 March - 24 September 2018
Our feminine is a universal force of light and love that exists within all of life, and within us. She forms part of our eternal nature, and as the bearer of unique qualities, gifts and powers, we invite you to welcome her expanding presence within you, through undertaking this training with us.
Our feminine nature is our greater receptivity. Her liberated consciousness is our receptacle of divine inspiration and higher awareness. She is the keeper of love and our inner world. She is expansive. She sees purely, the divinity, beauty, preciousness and sacredness of hearts. She is our perceptive, sensory and spacious nature. Through her, we know ourselves as timeless, as pure, in oneness and communion with all life.
Our growing mastery of love, patience, compassion, faith and grace are powers of the feminine that are our loving intention to expand and embody, together, so we invite you on this journey to enrich your inner experience, and initiate your vaster potential as the presence of your feminine light in our world. As a humanity, we may be missing this puzzle piece of discovery of our feminine light which exists within, and met through the doorway of our heart.
Initiating our feminine light is a journey of love and of weaving ancient threads of feminine feeling back into the fabric of eternal, ever present love. This journey delivers our feminine into being present, here now in the body of eternal love, aware and spirited, and anchored in the physical body. Our love body is enlightened step by step, in this way, as it expands into the feeling matrix of all, the Spirit of Love, known as the Holy Mother. This is the Feminine path of Enlightenment.
Beloved heart, in each of the 3 modules of this training, we will be initiating our feminine’s alignment, reconnection and contact with the Holy Mother so our feminine may stand as a divine bridge to the Holy Mother in all her expressions, forms, and voices within us. It is divine love that is the power, initiating us as we walk with the grace of the Holy Mother guiding our way. When our feminine stands in her light and presence as the bridge to the Holy Mother, she commands justice, liberty, equality, and the all inclusive care and nurturance of all life.
We invite you on a beautiful journey in love's presence, to love and liberate your feminine heart, mind, sensory body, powers and higher qualities. These powers and qualities are inherent within every woman and man and this journey lays a new foundation upon which our inner masculine is then graced, blessed and supported by our initiated and empowered feminine presence. This raises the bar to enabling the continuing balance and divine dance between our inner feminine and masculine, through all aspects of our life.
Beloved heart, when we open the receptive nature of our feminine consciousness, we are fed, nourished, energised, and cared for, and feel the support in life as we receive what we truly need.
Dear heart, this training will be offered in three modules, each 2 months in length. Five hours of live connection is offered each month, plus written practices, self awareness exercises and activities and additional written documents.
We will have access to an online forum as an additional teaching tool, where we may connect, ask questions, share the journey and open to this greater support. The 8 elements of the training are listed below.
Teaching Dates
25 March, 22 April, 20 May, 17 June, 22 July, 19 August, Completion Ceremony - 24 September
Live Ceremony & Transmission Dates
8 April, 6 May, 3 June, 8 July, 5 August, 2 September
Registration and Payment
Cost of 6 month training: US$1,144
Payment Options: Full payment with registration
OR 3 part payments of US$ 411 each
All enrolments must be finalised by 18 April 2018
Personal assistance and Akashic Readings will be available during this training and if guided to receive personally, please book separately.
These are 90 – 120 min recorded sessions.
US$185 each OR 3 sessions for US$450 to be received before 30 August, 2018.

Module 1
25th March to 19th May – 8 weeks
The gentle heart of our feminine is nourished and nurtured, tended to and cared for through opening our power to love self, and all experiences. Love is the pure feeling matrix of our universe and our feminine sensory nature is our vehicle to experience this love, so when our feminine is initiated to create love, release love from our heart, bathe in love, live with love, receive love, our feminine is free to be, to be seen and to expand out from within us. Meeting our initiations of divine love opens this power and our bridge to the Holy Mother through our feminine. Our work together will be to open through two Mother lineages, genetic and soul, to initiate our feminine to grow in light and shine.
Module 2
23rd May to 24th July – 9 weeks
When our mind welcomes, opens and receives pure light as well as divine love as energy support, we open the second door for the light of our feminine to expand and grow, and for her truth, her voice, to be accepted, valued and seen. In this module, as the dominant part of our mind, steps back, this offers our feminine space and grace to express through her inspired heart. Holy Mother's blessing of our mind will open this potential for our feminine to no longer be guided by her feelings but through her access to higher awareness. This initiates our feminine to a new level of empowerment, aligned with divine will, which then guides us on our path of greater purpose and fulfilment, with more grace.
Module 3
25th July to 24th September - 8.5 weeks
The oneness of our feminine with the Holy Mother Earth, offers our third door of initiating our feminine light to a new level of embodiment. It is the oneness of our feminine with the heart, spirit and body of the Mother Earth, and with the earth cycles and rhythms of life, that grounds our feminine spark into the body of the Mother Earth. This contact ignites our passion which energises and nourishes our body and propels us to serve and share our soft, powerful feminine light with each other, and to give back to the Mother Earth through sacred ceremony and loving service.
6 Monthly live Teaching Webinars in 3 hour blocks that carry the transmissional teachings, wisdom, love, dispensations and initiations for our feminine, sourced from the Holy Mother’s libraries of divine love.
6 Monthly Practices, Focuses and Inner Enquiry – emailed after each teaching webinar.
6 Monthly Group Ceremonies in the Holy Mother Temples – 60 minutes. Each ceremony is a series of prayers, invocations to the Divine Mothers to anoint, bless, consecrate and initiate our feminine to the truth of a specific quality of light or feminine power. This will be offered in a 2 hour block with the Group Transmissions in Service to the Feminine, following on from this temple ceremony.
6 Monthly Group Transmissions in Service to the Feminine within our world, to gift the divine energy that is the true need of our own feminine so we may receive back 10 fold, what we truly need. 60 minutes
6 Monthly Power Prayers - These prayers carry the dispensations for the dissolution of ancient feminine energies to support our graceful transformation, expansion and grounding of our feminine light into the Mother Earth.
Inner Plane Support Program within the Holy Mother Temple of the Divine Feminine Heart, which is supported by the Sisterhood of Light.
Forum connection with Amaya and other members in our group training, to share the journey, ask questions, receive keys, wisdom, and loving support.